By Dennis Rivers, from his forthcoming collection
Steps on the Green Bodhisattva Path

Brief Version (suggestion: read each phrase with one slow, full breath)

With every breath, with every step,
I open my life, to beautiful aliveness.
With every breath, with every step,
I deepen my commitment
to nurture the beautiful aliveness
in you,
in all people,
in the Web of Life

Full Version (suggestion: read each phrase with one slow, full breath)

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life, to infinite well-being.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life, to beautiful aliveness.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life, to radiant compassion.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life to see more deeply into the heart
of everything and everyone around me.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I open my life more deeply
to the creative unfolding, of all my abilities

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment,
to respect, to nurture, to awaken
the well-being of all people
and all sentient creatures.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment,
to respect, to nurture, to awaken,
the beautiful aliveness,
unfolding in everyone and everything.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment,
to respect, to nurture, to awaken,
the radiant compassion,
yearning to be expressed,
in all my brothers and sisters.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment,
to respect, to nurture, to awaken,
the capacity for transformative understanding
in all my sisters and brothers.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment
to respect, to nurture, to awaken
the creative unfolding,
and full development
of all my brothers and sisters.

With every breath, with every step,
with every dream, with every lifetime,
I deepen my commitment
to nurture and protect,
the web of life.


Text copyright 2020 Dennis Rivers for the purpose of placing it in the Creative Commons.  Permission granted for reproduction, reuse and adaptation under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Credits: Milky Way photo licensed by photographer Steve Jurvetson for reuse under under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.